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Professional Residential Cleaning in West Islip, NY

Professional Residential Cleaning in West Islip, NY

Today we will be talking about one of the least enjoyable jobs known to man...toilet bowl cleaning. We're going to splash around the topic (pun intended) to find the most efficient way to clean the commode...AND we're going to do it in under three minutes.

You'll need to start with a few basics: an all purpose cleaner (homemade or store bought). rubber gloves, toothbrush, toilet bowl brush, toilet bowl cleaner, and paper towels (don't mess with cross contamination).

I always start by spraying the toilet down with all purpose cleaner...don't forget the base. Then grab the toilet bowl cleanser and apply it to the bowl itself.

Now, we can start wiping the whole thing down. Grab your paper towels and wipe consistently. Pay attention to the lid and the toilet base. I always use my tooth brush to scrub the hinges and other hard to reach places that all toilets have.

Now I grab my toilet bowl brush and start scrubbing. You want to make sure you use a cleaner specifically designed for the toilet bowl, so that it's formulates to break down all of the hard water stains, limescale, dirt, or bacteria that cakes onto the inside of your bowl. Always make sure that you give the chemical time to work...this is why you apply the chemicals first and then wipe and scrub afterwards.

For any additional comments or questions about Professional Residential Cleaning in West Islip, NY or to schedule a free estimate on cleaning your home, give us a call at 631-219-9962.


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